Building Key
The building key is stored in the TOP lockbox in the alley behind the black box (on the left of the building when facing it).
Lockbox key code: 7267
Building Access & Security
Alarm Instructions
The building uses Frontpoint alarm system to secure door entry as well as detect movement in any part of the building. The Frontpoint alarm system should be disarmed upon entry and armed upon exit with instructions below:
To disarm the alarm when you enter the building:
Enter the building and walk to the ticket booth
Locate the Frontpoint alarm control panel
Enter the code: 8256 and the alarm will turn off
To arm the alarm when you leave the building:
Locate the Frontpoint alarm control panel in ticket booth
Press “Doors + Window” button, then “Motions” button
You have roughly 30-45 sec to exit the building before the alarm is set
If you are the last one in the building upon your exit (morning, afternoon or evening) it is your responsibility to arm the alarm, make sure all doors are closed and locked, and return the key to the lockbox.
IF the building key is missing:
Try the back-up lockbox (bottom lockbox) with code: 8256
Call or text Sarah/Sam to report missing key
IF the Frontpoint alarm system goes off:
Enter the code: 8256 to disable the alarm
Call or text Sarah/Sam to report
IF the fire alarm goes off and you do NOT need the fire department to respond:
Locate the main panel next to HVAC thermostats near the lighting booth.
Open it and press the SILENCE key, then the RESET key. Once the system restarts, if the alarm sounds again, press the SILENCE key once more to cancel the alarm.
Call or text Sarah/Sam to report
IF the fire alarm goes off and you DO need the fire department to respond:
Evacuate all personnel from the building
Call or text Sarah/Sam to report
The fire department will turn off the alarm after they respond and finish their work. Re-entering the building is prohibited until the fire department gives the all-clear.